Sunday, December 05, 2004

Words are like hands,

or like glass, reflective even when shattered.

This post is about frames in language. One such frame is that evoked by the words, or current mantra of Boise State, which is "civic engagement."

What do those words mean if the protests of students/faculty and alumni fail to evoke true change when they do try to engage the University administration?

What do those words mean when the current President says that our soldiers are there to ensure democracy survives in Iraq, while bombing children to death?

What do those words mean when world-wide protests fail to stop war?

What do those words mean when even the one organization that is supposed to STAND for human rights will now support the formerly illegal act of waging pre-emptive war? (See earlier post on UN reform)

Words are like hands, dropped upon the body, in despair and in hope
or like glass, reflective even when shattered.
The question is, what do we want to reflect?
Is it the fist or the open palm?
Is it to mirror the desire for peace and justice
in the world or is to distort and smear words
such as "peace" "justice" and even "democracy"
with the grime and shadow-film of a war without end

or justification?



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