Subversives Unite
I always think about the end of the Communist Manifesto and how Marx and Engels called for the workers to unite. I kinda like the idea of subversives uniting but hey...sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes people actually vote for one.
Well, enough of the cowboy president jokes.
I was browsing the shelves of Hastings today just thinking about the book titles
because I'm always intrigued by what catchy title authors pick for their books. One that caught my attention was called "Islam: Preachers of Hate." I wondered, and I'm sorry to admit this, but I wondered how they could get away with having a title like that. That's about as stupid and ignorant a title as one can get in my opinion. To title a book about a religion that you obviously know nothing on is just laziness, intelluctually and artistically. Then again, I'd bet there isn't one shred of artistry in that book nor much intellectualism either. Which brings me to my next rant: how do people like Rush or Hannity or (god help me) O'Reilly maintain some semblance of "authority" given their ability to blur the line between reporting the news and reporting their opinion or the Bush agenda verbatim, as news? I just don't get that. I suppose I'd like to see a sort of integrity to things that isn't there. Sort of like the Professor at BSU who "plagarized," of whom I have only one question: would he pass a student who did the same thing he did? I bet not.
Enough ranting. I have to go to work now. peace!
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