Thursday, January 20, 2005

Sponge Bob, the "gay threat" and the issue of "tolerance"

I almost fell off my chair laughing when I read that Sponge Bob and other cartoon characters starring in a video re-do of "We are Family" is suddenly hailed by some as part of the "gay threat." What's the threat? Tolerance. The issue of tolerance. I really cannot understand what anyone could view as right or righteous about denying others their right to exist. I know, I know, someone's going to say, well in this do you mean murderers and pedophiles and rapists? Should they exist too? My response to this sort of crap logic is that I do not have the right as an individual to say who should live and who shouldn't. What I do have the right and I feel the responsibility to do is to speak out against the rampant and horrid discrimination and dehumanization of those not heterosexual, not Christian, not powerful, not privileged, not white, not male, not American. That is the true idea of tolerance is it not? What is so frightening about actually extending to another human being the same rights you would expect and want for yourself? What is so damn evil about that? Please explain this to me. I'm absolutely willing to listen. And don't chalk it up to God either. Because God knows and I am quite aware of the many times God has been invoked to excuse abuse after abuse of power and I keep hoping people will actually remember that once upon a time, people believed that the mixes of races and slavery itself was also considered God's will. So either God contradicts Himself quite often or else, perhaps, just maybe people really shouldn't take their powers of exclusive holy interpretation so seriously?

Human rights are exactly that...and nothing short of what you want for yourself. Please protect the rights of others and stand up against such fearmongering idiocy. Please.



Blogger John B. said...

As a devout Christian (though one who does not exactly admire how Dobson's faith translates into action in the world), I too am distressed when someone professing to love Christ is opposed to tolerance, of all things. This is not a Bible class, or else I would fill this comment with various references from the Gospels; and in any case, it's Dobson who needs the reminding.
But by way of lightening the mood a wee bit, I thought I'd send you this link
in which Mr. Wolcott reveals instances of homoerotic desire existing even (especially?) in the most ostensibly masculine of genres.

4:34 AM  
Blogger John B. said...

As an update:

This story (2nd post on the page)
from the United Church of Christ, via Talking Points Memo.

11:52 AM  

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