Saturday, January 15, 2005

Images can speak louder than words...

but without each of us
they will never be
strong enough
to break the silence alone


Hate must surely be one of the most intricately linked chain of oppression or at least a root system of sorts but what is at the root of hate...fear? This semester I'm taking a modern german history class and the teacher has told us over and over to divorce ourselves from the idea that everything we'll learn there will somehow "explain" how the Nazis came to be or that German history somehow spawned this unique evil and that it was somehow organic and inevitable. I think she's right. Besides that, fascism has certainly been a border crosser and an insidious little virus not exclusive to Germany. There's a shirt from one of my favorite places on the planet...syracuse cultural workers that reads:
"Fascism Sucks" on the front and on the back:

Early warning signs of fascism:
Powerful and continuing nationalism
Disdain for human rights
Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause
Supremecy of the military
Rampant Sexism
Controlled mass media
Obsession with national security
Religion and Government are intertwined
Corporate Power is protected
Labor Power is supressed
Disdain for intellectuals and the arts
Obsession with crime and punishment
Rampant cronyism and corruption
Fraudulent elections

Makes you think does it not? It should, anyway...

Visit syracuse cultural workers and support their ultra-cool efforts at social change! Buy a shirt!

The mind you change may be your own.

Keep speaking out every way you can. peace!


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