Thursday, December 23, 2004

Quick meditation on representation and expectation

Today I read that G.W. was Time Magazine's man of the year (2004) and Brittney Spears is performer of the year...Do you suppose there is a link there? Conspiring minds want to know.

This is the first year I've gone anti-Christmas shopping (which really means anti-shopping) and it is actually difficult to not want to buy a bunch of crap I really don't need or give others crap they could do without. This epiphany amazes me. So everyone I know has gotten food baskets because everyone needs food, or books for those who prefer reading to cooking.

I also realized this week I have an absolute dislike for people who seethe with irresponsibility and those who are passive aggressive. It's stupid I know. Judgemental. Ignorant. I wish I could just be this easy going soul who doesn't get her feathers ruffled over the inconsideration of others but I'm not that good at it. Oh well. One thing I'm working on over the break is searching out books on nonviolent communication. I want to learn new ways of communicating that aren't always either offensive or defensive but open, respectful and inclusive. Happy holidays.


"Humility has buoyancy and above us only sky"--Ani DiFranco "grand canyon"


Blogger The Deviant said...

I think it's the other way round, surely!
Britney is man of the year for all of her half arsed marriages and drinking binges. G.W. is definitely performer of the year, but perhaps he'll get picked up by the soap awards, his melodrama is second to none.
Had a scan through your blog and have to congratulate you. Anybody who quotes Franti has to be applauded, next you'll tell me that there is a Bill Hicks quote on there somewhere. There should be!
Well done with this blog, it is very lucid for an American. I'm going to read it more, since I'm stuck at work until Xmas eve. Keep it up!
Happy whatever!

12:52 AM  

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