Tuesday, May 25, 2004

summer reading (fun!)

I have now a total of thirty books checked out for "fun" reading. Today I picked up "The Little School" (about the disappeared in Argentina), "Leave none to tell the story" "We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families"(both about the genocide in Rwanada) "Revolution and Genocide" (about the Armenian genocide) and three books by Eduardo Galeano "Upside down" "Guatemala" and "Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent"
This on top of trying to read Andrea Dworkin's "Scapegoat" Trinh Minh-ha's "When the moon waxes red" and Paul Farmer's "Pathologies of Power"
I am reading all of this trying to answer questions for myself by learning the history behind the words such as the way that the word "genocide" gets used, when, by whom and in what context, particularly when politicians and diplomats refuse to use the word until they are forced to recognize what (typically Non-Governmental Organizations or NGOS)were reporting to be genocide all along. I am also interested in when military intervention becomes "necessary" and how economic sanctions really do hurt countries, not the power elites in those countries mind you, but people who are often made even more powerless as a result.


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