Monday, May 24, 2004

Eduardo Galeano and Paul Farmer

Recently I have had the great pleasure of reading incredible works by these two men. Paul Farmer's book, "Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor" is so incredible to me, I am bogged down still in his introduction, fighting the temptation to underline every other sentance! Farmer's book also introduced me to the work of Eduardo Galeano whose book "Upside Down: A primer for the looking glass world" I plan to pick up later today. May I suggest to anyone interested in human rights, please check these two authors/activists out. The following Galeano teaser comes from titled "The War":
"Just think. In the middle of last year, when this war was still only gestating, George W. Bush stated that 'we have to be ready to attack in any obscure corner of the world.'; ergo, Iraq is an obscure corner of the world. Does Bush really believe that civilization began in Texas and his fellow Texans invented writing? Has he really never heard of the library of Niniveh, the tower of Babel or the hanging gardens of Babylon?" "Who elected him president of the planet anyway? I was never asked to vote in any such elections. Were you?"


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