Today it rained and was bitterly windy. I loved it. Took a long walk in the rain. Admired the spring trees and the heavy clouds and the snowy mountains. It's taken me nearly six years to truly appreciate the beauty of Boise because I was always comparing it to some other place.
I had the good fortune today to have both a stupid (and I mean stupid) crisis which turned my little world upside down for a bit but also to have that led me back to that which truly nurtures my soul: friends/family, poetry, and Buddhism. Right now I'm reading Audre Lorde's "Undersong" and Pema Chodron's "Start Where You Are." Finished Allen Ginsberg's "Death and Fame" yesterday though I imagine I'll be reading it for awhile. I have a difficult time staying on task. I'm supposed to be reading half a dozen other things but I can't stay focused on any single book at a time. Hence the reason why I'm reading all of these things as well as all of my other books. I'm also writing more. I think my next writing project outside of academics will be a play. I finished a short story over Spring Break and countless poems. Still intend to put together a book of my poetry. I've been saying that though for a few years now. We'll see. peace!
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