Tuesday, September 21, 2004

being accused of "lazy intellectualism"

I've been accused recently of "lazy intellectualism" which was equated by this person as ingratitude for my freedom afforded by the suffering/lives of others. This is actually not my intended purpose for my blog so if it comes across that way, I suppose I would consider it a perceptual misunderstanding. I feel extremely fortunate to be a citizen of this nation but I also feel that it is my responsibility as such to question (as one would presume one's role to be in a democracy) and hold elected officials accountable for their decisions, particularly those that concern those outside our borders. So, I'm wondering if the words "lazy intellectualism" are actually indicative of a laziness on the part of those who like to sling such mud, unwilling to come up with a more imaginative slur. Why, doesn't this actually lend itself quite well to the idea of mass-produced rhetoric that frames debate to inhibit resistance? Well, my critic was correct in their assesment that I don't "know" anything. I don't. I actually never claimed to either. That's the beauty of intellectualism to me, I can actually work with these theories and not have to pretend to know anything conclusive. Fox news actually spews more fiction as facts than I have ever tried to do here so, while I thank this person for taking the time to critique me, I am too tired at this moment to engage in some sort of battle of wits. I am a student and this blog is my space to try and reflect upon what I am reading/studying/learning. So please consider it as such. I do. I prefer to think of it as a dogma free zone. Thank you.



Blogger John B. said...

I'm not sure I understand what your acquaintance means with his/her accusation of "lazy intellectualism." Having read your posts, I feel fairly confident in saying that I don't see any sign of lazy thought in them.
"Lazy intellectualism" is not the same as ignorance. Ignorance is lack of knowledge. Lazy intellectualism, as I understand that term, means not doing the work of fully understanding an idea or principle but, instead, oversimplifying or jumping to poorly-informed or misinformed conclusions about that idea or principle. That would be worrisome if you were writing a book on that idea . . . but, as you note, you're writing a blog in which you're exploring your own thinking and not offering definitive analysis. As near as I can tell, you've not misrepresented anyone you've mentioned; that's to your credit.
Maybe your acquaintance means that you're lacking in ideological rigor, that you don't have a consistent worldview. To which I would say, "So?" I'd say that the ability to consider and borrow from otherwise divergent points of view is an asset and not a liability.
Let me know if I've missed the boat entirely regarding what this other person had in mind. But I know lazy intellectualism when I see it, having often practiced it in the past, and you aren't guilty.

1:53 PM  

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