They're marking territory
with a border of shell fragments
bone blood graffiti
on the latest wall of US. Ours. Theirs. Those People.
Over There. Them. Acts of. Genocide? Bickering over dictionary.
Definitions. Not for the sake of saving what is. Said. But what is.
Watchwords are fearless
soldiers forever marching on
digging trenches in the minds
to win more hearts for war. All the same
to those busy
writing history
one razed building
one war
at a time.
Is it a matter of money? Political expediency?
The war against ______
Codifying the RIGHT to victimized primacy
so that you don't ever forget
which side you're really on?
The grand realization that your literary litany isn't flag
to cover the cost
but what's one life to "the bottom line"
How is a last breath measured for a profit
according to global capitalist economics
by people who forgot everything they swore to remember
the last of the last time(s)
preface fought and lost
to pretense.
(Watched "Hotel Rwanda" last night. Wished for words to make any sense of the lack of reaction and the see no evil approach that would really explain the lack of reaction. This was all I could come up with. Fragmented sentences and irritation. A wordless stupor. There is always the promises of never again and of protectionism and humanitarianism and these promises almost always follow the words "last time." Why?)
The story perpetrated in _Hotel Rwanda_ is fiction and, when applied in comparison to what really happened, disinformation. The Rwandan tragedy was far from a US sin of omission, something where America failed to help. No no. US covert ops made destabilization of the eastern Zaire/Burundi/Rwandan a central strategic priority in the wake of the collapse of the Iron Curtain. MINERALS. They're all there. For the short term, a destabilized region means black ops looting of those minerals, meaning black ops funds for other operations (think the Middle East). For the long term, the culture will be primed for industrial revolution after years of brutal wars, the mining technologies will be optimal for full mineral extraction, and those minerals will replace oil in the post-oil economy. Think batteries and other sophisticated electronics (copper coltan gold diamond and so on....the region is resources-wise the wealthiest in the world). The US Gov't and private US interests instigated the event through funding and training and arms deals, through funding both Hutu and Tutsi groups. The Rwandan Genocide was a huge success for the US government, as the event plunged the entire region into the largest war the world has ever seen. The US is now the major foreign player in the region, having effectively maginalized France's influence for good. I wish I were speculating or making this up. I really do. The truth is far more dark than the film shows. We can see even already see evidence of cultural shifts in the region away from tribalism towards nationalism. It helped bring down Mobutu Sese Seko and dissolve his nationalized mining company (Gecamines). The US Strategic 500 year plan was put in motion with the genocide and success depended on the US/UN not working to stop it, not at least before it psychically scarred the populace.
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