too busy to be bored, too bored to be busy
The title says it all.
What movies I've seen:
"Runaway Jury" (not too terribly bad of a film, nor too terribly good either)
"Laws of Attraction" (sadomasochism for the desperately bored mind!)
I have a deep aversion to boring plots in movies. In fact I get majorly pissed off at the dead and dull plot that is so recognizable, it hangs in the air, leaving you to wonder what made you think THIS stupid love movie would be any different. Blah! It comes complete with the required tension building phase, the immediate sexual gratification phase, the breakup (oh can we say morning after phase?) and the stupid breakup love song and then finally, the reunited lovers realizing that they'd both been quite stupid. BORING!!!!!!!!! What I really hate about these movies is that usually they feature some couple quite well to do, able to travel to Paris, New York, Seattle whatever and living in posh apartments, eating food that I want to eat and going places I want to go and know I can't. And worst of all, they have to WHINE about their measely existences as if they have it bad. What a waste of money. They should have to pay people to watch their movies! Save your money and your time. Rent from the foreign film or special interest section.
"Shrek 2" (puss! in boots. and donkey. fun, funny, silly humor. necessary escapism.)
"A home at the end of the world" (I like this movie. I especially liked the fact that Collin Farrell spent much of it kissing the other lead male actor. I figure all's fair in love/lust and hollywood and hey if they can get some typecast macho actor to combat heterosexism and homophobia in a film I am all for it. I find Farrell's ability to blend into different parts without his Irish accent quite impressive. This movie addresses so many issues that I enjoyed watching it all unfold. Thought the ending was a bit abrupt but oh well, I don't write scripts, I only criticize them. :)
What I hope to see soon/again:
"I heart huckabees" (because it comes recommended and sounds interesting enough)
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"
Bertolt Brecht's "Threepenny Opera"
"When night is falling"
"What to do in case of fire"
What I am listening to:
The Cure: "Wish" specifically: "From the edge of the deep green sea" (love this song!)
Black Tape for a Blue Girl "with a million tear stained memories" specifically: "Bastille Day"
Rage Against the Machine "Evil Empire" (quite fitting, don't you think?)
Nine Inch Nails "Pretty Hate Machine" specifically "Head like a hole" and "Sin"
Ani D: "Dilate"
Audra's "Venus" ("the sun is a candle left to burn")
The Doors "Riders on the storm"
The Rolling Stones' "Paint it black"
Aerosmith's "Dream on"
Tori Amos' cover of R.E.M.'s "Losing my religion"
The Smiths "Best of...part I"
Toad the Wet Sprocket: "pray your gods"
and last but not least:
Yo-Yo Ma's "Simply Baroque" chiefly: J.S. Bach's "Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren"
What I'm reading (non-homeworkish lifeline to feed and tempt with thoughts of freedom, this oft-tethered mind) :
Neil Gaiman's "The Dream Hunter"
Bertolt Brecht's "Complete Poems: 1913-1956"
Lenin's "The State and Revolution"
Gramsci's Prison Notebooks and Letters from Prison
Susan Neiman's "Evil in Modern Thought"
Emile Durkheim (for soc)
Modern Iraqi Poetry (for politics and poetry)
Walter Benjamin's "Illuminations" for an essay
I've also plotted out/signed up for my courses for next semester:
history of human rights
german 101
sociological theory II
indy study on fascism
the new literatures in english (postcolonial literature)
and possibly (as if there weren't enough there already...)
History of Modern Germany (Unification and reunification)
I want to learn German, French, Italian, Spanish and eventually Russian and Serbo-Croatian.
Why, you might ask? Why not. I just hope I can keep it all straight in my easily diverted brain.
I would love to get the point of fluency to where I can read the writings of some of my favorite authors in their own words without translation and can discuss them in their languages. That' s the goal. I'm thinking too, that I would like to specialize in the area of human rights law that applies to refugees or if I go to grad school instead: history. So I think knowing so many languages can't hurt in either arena.
I am most grateful for my friend, my dear fellow insomniac, whose lovely conversations until 2 and 3 a.m. have helped alleviate slightly my post-election gloom and busy boredom.
"is it that they fear the pain of death
or could it be they fear the joy of life?"
-"Pray your gods" from Toad the Wet Sprocket
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