Thursday, September 30, 2004

Be a true "American" Think For Yourself!

With all of these "American" values flying through air, waiving in the brain like a parade of flags in zombie-like, insomniatic hands, spellbound by the television...I'm thinking how about we focus on the best part about living in the U.S., thinking critically. Notice the above title didn't say think only of yourself...
Anyhow, Spiegelman's book has a FANTASTIC challenge to the two party candidate system and it isn't Nadar folks. He says, let's have a third party: The Ostrich Party!
The quote reads:

"Rampaging Republican Elephants...Dimwitted Democratic Donkeys...No wonder real Americans don't bother to vote! The two party animals are both 19th century dinosaurs, interested only in their own survival, not ours! We need a third party that actually represents us...A new and Revolutionary OSTRICH PARTY! Join your fellow Americans before it's too late...Rise up & Stick your heads in the ground!" (a sign on the side reads: Orange alert: Beware of cowboy boots!" (pg. 5)

So, yes, he's being sarcastic but he DOES have an interesting point in that people really do seem to think that their vote doesn't matter. That politics are full of shit. Well, okay, I won't go there but I really love Spiegelman's argument that the two 'party animals' only care about themselves. This makes education and activism all the more important. Either we fulfill that touted belief that others have of Americans as being opinionated, individualistic and rebellious (I kinda like that!) or we go on being as Derrick Jensen termed "a nation of slaves" perpetuated the notion that we don't matter. As someone, somewhere succintly said: If you don't vote, don't bitch. Our ability to educate ourselves and organize to make a difference is the only real weapon we have against reality t.v. and that goofy smile and that cowboy hat and that John Wayne wannabe that is the real threat. I'm thinking we need to design a new t-shirt that says Be a true "American" Think for Yourself!

"Beware the behalfies!" Salman Rushdie wrote in his "Step Across the line."
Beware the behalfies indeed.


Thanks to John, Keith, Marcy and Patri for posting responses. You rock!


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